Use Electronic Signatures to Easily Sign PDFs and Docs Online.

With a legally-binding electronic signature platform, you and your customers can agree on terms with a simple click.

More than 1 million professionals sign documents electronically with WP E-Signature
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How it works

Create Your
Unique eSignature

Your signature is as beautiful and one-of-a-kind as your fingerprint. Draw the digital version with your mouse or trackpad, or upload a photo of it with your device’s camera.

Invite Someone to Sign

Whether it’s your business partner, your tenant or a new client, you can easily send anyone a document and show them where to sign.

Create Automated
Contracts & Proposals

Getting multiple signatures on a single document is a breeze. The software guides your signee through, so they won’t miss anything important and you’ll always get the signatures you need.

E-Signature Features
Secure legally-binding signatures that accelerate your contracts.

Doc Templates

Have a document you need signed by multiple people, such as a waiver? Create a public URL to make the process simple.

Upload PDFs

Create super-professional legally-binding contracts in just a few clicks. Then, send them out and get them signed instantly.

Sign On Any Device

Whether you’re using a tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows or Mac, the signing process is always the same: super smooth and simple.

Celebrate the Experience

Build a powerful relationship with your signers in the moment that matters most, using the #1 most user friendly “Document Signing Experience.”

Save as PDF

Wow your clients with downloadable PDF versions of signed documents, sent automatically via email.

Sync with the Cloud

Working across multiple computers or devices? No sweat. Your sign PDFs are in the cloud and will sync with Drive, Office 365, Dropbox and more.

Bank Grade Secure Electronic Signatures has one of the most advanced audit trail systems in the online signature industry.

Certifications and Compliance of Electronic Signatures
It’s absolutely crucial for your Electronic Signatures to be fully compliant, especially in specific industries that require additional security, data regulations and certifications. Here are some examples:

HIPAA Compliance

In order for e-Signatures to be used in the healthcare sector, they must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

21 CF Part 11

This code establishes the US Food and Drug Administration’s regulations on electronic signatures and applies to all drug makers, biotech companies and other FDA-regulated industries.

PCI DSS Certification

This certification ensures the security of card data at your business, informing your customers that they can trust you with their payment information.

GDPR Compliance

E-Signatures must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, which makes companies accountable for the security of the data they hold.

SOC 2 Type II Certification

SOC (Service Organization Controls) certification means that your data is protected against unauthorized access by third parties.

ISO 27001

ISO 270001 is a data security certification that measures a business against a comprehensive set of requirements and must be renewed every 3 years.

*These are certifications that many companies need. Plans and certifications may vary.

How can Electronic Signature benefit you?
The days of old-fashioned paper and pen signatures are long gone. E-signatures are secure, legally-binding and will accelerate your contracts.

Legally Binding.

An electronic signature carries the same legal weight as a traditional, paper-based signature.

Incredibly efficient.

No need to print, sign, scan and email documents ever again. Sign anything in just a few clicks.

Extremely cost-effective.

You’ll save money on printing costs, postage, couriers and much more. The savings really add up!

Sign Anything, Quickly and Easily

With e-Signature from, you’ll never have to print, scan and manually sign anything again. Create your online signature, sign documents with one click or invite others to sign.

What is an electronic signature?

An electronic signature is the same as your old-fashioned hand-written signature. It signifies your agreement to the terms of a particular document and is legally binding. The only difference? Electronic signatures are quicker, easier and don't result in hand cramps or ink-stained fingers.

Are e-signatures legally binding?

Absolutely! For over 20 years, your e-signature has been as legitimate from a legal perspective as your traditional pen-and-paper signature. This is all thanks to the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) that was passed in the year 2000. Other acts like ESIGN have passed around the world, making it possible to add a legally binding signature to any document digitally.

See all e-signature FAQs

Basic Legal Requirements for Digital Signatures

Intent to sign must be clear

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The signature must be associated with the record

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There must be clear consent to do business electronically

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There must be access to records

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sit amet mi iaculis, blandit lorem a, sollicitudin nunc. Donec non ipsum tempus, bibendum tellus sed, aliquet tortor. Aenean euismod diam ut eleifend lobortis. Proin sollicitudin neque consequat mollis suscipit. Morbi porta nec est vestibulum hendrerit. Morbi porttitor tempor augue sed lobortis.

No tampering of documents

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What are e-signatures used for?
E-Signatures come in handy in plenty of different situations, from agreements to proposals to contracts and so much more.


Perfect for all work-related documents, from NDAs to timesheets to onboarding paperwork.


Sign with one click to approve proposals, pay invoices and close the deal.

Real Estate

It’s never been easier to fill out and sign a lease or a rental or housing agreement.

Creative Professionals

Electronically sign all your essential bank forms, insurance paperwork and tax documents.

School Admin

Sign any permission slip, school form or release from anywhere, in an instant.

Have any questions? We're happy to help you.

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